Vor I Vaglaskogi - home view
"Vor I Vaglaskogi" - painted to & inspired by the Kaleo song.
Created using inks & pigments on mylar & then attached to canvas - it bounces and incredible amount of light. In the daytime with no direct lightsource, it looks translucent & silver but as you move around the piece, & as thelight hitting it from a window or lamp changes, the undertones shift between golds, blues, greens & pinks - so it literally feels like ice & icicles.
I did this 4 foot by 5 foot piece on a single piece of mylar which I then
mounted onto canvas.
Painted using just my fingers. No brushes or
instruments used.
Created using inks & pigments on mylar & then attached to canvas - it bounces and incredible amount of light. In the daytime with no direct lightsource, it looks translucent & silver but as you move around the piece, & as thelight hitting it from a window or lamp changes, the undertones shift between golds, blues, greens & pinks - so it literally feels like ice & icicles.
I did this 4 foot by 5 foot piece on a single piece of mylar which I then
mounted onto canvas.
Painted using just my fingers. No brushes or
instruments used.